

NilanjanaNilanjana Gupta is Professor, Department of English, and former Director of the School of Media, Communication and Culture, Jadavpur University. She is the author of Switching Channels: Ideologies of television in India (Oxford University Press, 1998), Reading with Allah: Madrasas in West Bengal (Routledge, 2009) and Dance Matters: Performing India (co-edited, Routledge, 2010). She has been the convener of 90.8 RadioJU, a unique community radio initiative at Jadavpur University since 2008. Her current research project is titled ‘Acropolis Now: India’s New Urban Frontier’ focusing on the emergent structures of urban life in Rajarhat New Town, a 38 square kilometer development on the eastern border of Kolkata, and Gurgaon, a satellite town south of Delhi. Prof. Gupta is the Principal Investigator of the Daftaripara project. She is also the Coordinator of the ‘Cultural Resources and Social Sciences’ sub-area of the UPE scheme of Jadavpur University of which Daftaripara is a part.


Abhijit-photoAbhijit Roy is Associate Professor, Department of Film Studies, and former Joint Director of the School of Media, Communication and Culture, Jadavpur University. He writes on television, film, popular culture and politics. He has written a book on Sergei Eisenstein (Papyrus, Calcutta, 2004) and is presently co-editing a volume titled Channeling Cultures: Television Studies from India to be published by Oxford University Press in 2013. Roy has received fellowships for research on Indian television from Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, and the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla. He was part of a multimedia storytelling workshop held in Hong Kong in 2009 and supervised an Indo-US multimedia storytelling project on primary education in Calcutta in 2010. Roy has conceived and designed the Daftaripara project and supervises the project in the capacity of Co-Principal Investigator.